Jun 4, 2024
Building habits and routine for your Financial Sobriety is such a huge piece of following through with working on your money.
Today I share my routine that helps support my Financial Sobriety.
This routine has taken 7 years to work as a system and it is an ever evolving process, just like my relationship with money.
Here are some of the key pieces of my routine:
1. Create monthly spending plan.
2. Daily planning of my spending and tracking my spending.
3. Money dates/meetings.
4. Not using credit cards.
5. Auto transfers for my savings plan and debt payments.
6. Check-in with my emotions with money and spending.
7. Budgeting for things I want.
8. Celebrate
In this lesson I dive into each piece of my routine and how you can make it work for you.
Here are links to previous lessons where I tell my story about my journey with my Financial Sobriety:
Here is a link for a lesson on Money dates/meetings: